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About cookies

The Swedish Arts Council’s websites, like many other websites, uses cookies. These are small digital labels that help the website recognise your computer or mobile phone.

The Swedish Arts Council’s websites uses cookies for three main purposes:

  • To enable you to log in to the parts where login is required.
  • To increase security so that we know it is you who are logged in or sending messages to the Swedish Arts Council.
  • To understand how our visitors use our websites, so that we can improve them.

Below we explain how we use cookies and what you can choose to do with them.

Necessary cookies

There are cookies on the websites that have to be enabled in order for the site to work correctly.

  • A cookie that says whether you accepted or refused cookies.
  • A cookie that ensures you can log in to the website.

Although we think these cookies are important, you can remove them afterwards if you want to. You can change the settings in your web browser to remove cookies, or choose to have them removed automatically. Check the Help menu in your web browser to find out how.

Cookies you can accept or refuse

Our websites also has analytics cookies which you can accept or refuse. Choose if you want to accept them by ticking their boxes and then clicking 'Accept selected'. You can change your choice whenever you want. At the bottom left is a “floating cog” that you can click to change and/or withdraw your consent.

Analytics cookies

We collect statistics on visits to the websites in order to improve them. For this we use the Matomo web analytics tool, which is distributed by a Swedish supplier with servers in Sweden. This allows us to see, for example, how many visitors our websites has and which pages on it are the most visited. The more visitors who accept analytics cookies, the better the quality of our statistics. But the websites works equally well if you refuse these cookies.

Read more about your rights and how we process personal data

Cookies on our websites

Change the cookie settings

