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Two dancers jumping while holding a can. Two dancers jumping while holding a can. Two dancers jumping while holding a can.
Burken (The Can), a story about two good friends and a can, is a dance performance by Zebradans. Photo: Stefan Bohlin.

How we process personal data

The Swedish Arts Council processes personal data in various situations, such as when provided as basis for an application for and reporting on grants, but also in connection with recruitment for open positions and notice of interest in becoming a member of a working or reference group. We also record statistics containing personal data in connection with your visit to our website. We provide information on the processing of personal data in connection with registration for conferences and meetings.

Lawful grounds

Anyone processing personal data must have lawful grounds for doing so. The Swedish Arts Council processes personal data in order to carry out our Government mandate.

Rights when giving consent to personal data processing

An individual who has given consent to the processing of personal data is entitled to be notified of which of their personal data the authority processes and how the authority processes this data. The individual who has given consent to the processing of personal data is also entitled to request rectification with respect to the individual’s personal data processed by the authority. The individual who has given consent to the processing of personal data may also, at any time, withdraw such consent.

Data Protection Officer

The Swedish Arts Council (Kulturrådet), reg.no. 202100-1280, is the data controller for the processing of the personal data. If you want information on which of your personal data are being processed, you can request this in writing by contacting our data protection officer. You should also address our data protection officer if you wish to request rectification of inaccurate or misleading information.

Please contact the data protection officer if you have previously given consent to the processing of personal data and have questions regarding this or, for example, wish to withdraw your consent.

In order to access your personal data, you must be able to identify yourself.

You can contact our data protection officer at:

Personal data processing for the Swedish Arts Council’s websites

When visiting kulturradet.se, alma.se, and bokstart.se, IP addresses are automatically recorded to measure frequency of site visits. The Swedish Arts Council collects, processes, and analyses data on use, web traffic, and incidents on the Swedish Arts Council’s websites. Web traffic refers to data attributed to website visitors and used to relay, distribute, and transmit messages over data networks.

The data is not used to identify individual visitors.
The Swedish Arts Council collects and analyses, inter alia, the following information on our website visitors:

  • IP address (anonymized)
  • Web browser (Chrome, Edge et cetera)
  • Operating system (Windows et cetera)
  • Login method
  • Pages visited


The Swedish Arts Council stores web statistics to secure the technical functionality and use of the websites. The Swedish Arts Council also uses the statistics to gain insight into user experiences and to develop our websites.

The Swedish Arts Council monitors the information collected and does not transfer it to any third party. However, the Swedish Arts Council may use subcontractors for the processing of the data. Currently, the Swedish Arts Council uses Matomo for data processing. In addition, the Swedish Arts Council may use services provided by other subcontractors in compliance with the European Commission’s Data Protection Directive (October 1998), such as support for customer service and consumer behaviour.

The Swedish Arts Council does not, under any circumstances, allow subcontractors to use the data for other purposes than those we have defined.


You can have the content provided on our website read aloud. When you activate the service Browsealoud, a toolbar is displayed on the screen. A cookie is stored on your computer so the web browser remembers to display the toolbar on the website’s various pages.

Read more about Browsealoud


When the Swedish Arts Council publishes press photos provided by other actors, we trust that they have ensured that the images do not contravene GDPR.

When we publish images provided by other actors, and which have not been produced as press photos, we obtain approval from the actor. We trust that the actor has ensured that the images do not contravene GDPR.

Personal data when participating in conferences

For conferences and similar meetings where the Swedish Arts Council processes personal data, we provide information on our processing of personal data in connection with registration. If we document the event through video recordings and photography, we communicate that we will produce information material for use in the digital channels used by the authority, or in other contexts where the Swedish Arts Council reports on the authority’s activities. The material is also a public record and may be requested for release by the general public.

The Swedish Arts Council is not obligated to communicate when this participation or publication shall occur.

Protected identity

The Swedish Arts Council is subject to the principle of public access to official records (Sw. Offentlighetsprincipen), which means, inter alia, that every citizen is entitled to access public records. This means that we, upon request, may not deny anyone access to such information. This data may include application documents, decisions, or contact information.

Therefore, it is important that anyone living under threat, has a protected identity, or for any reason needs to have their data protected, contact us if sensitive information shall be provided to us in connection with an application or in other matters.

The individual is responsible for informing the Swedish Arts Council of any confidentiality mark as authorities are not obliged to, unprompted, check whether an individual has a confidentiality mark in the population register. Furthermore, the individual is also responsible for verifying that information provided to the Swedish Arts Council is marked as confidential by us.

Read more

Coookies on the website

Accessibility on the website

More information about GDPR: Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection

Contact us

If you wish to contact our data protection officer, please do so via email.

Data protection officer

Swedish Arts Council
