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How to invoice to Swedish Arts Council?

From the 1 April 2019 onward all subcontractor, suppliers and service providers of the public sector have to e-invoice due to law (2018:1277) and to according the European standard: Peppol BIS Billing 3.

This requirement applies to all suppliers regardless of country. Please note that a PDF-invoice is not an approved format.

You need an order number from us which is automatically created from Visma Proceedo AB. You have to put the order number in the reference field of the e-invoice when e-invoicing through Peppol. Our Peppol-address is 0007:2021001280.

If you cannot yet e-invoice through Peppol, please register your invoice in our supplier portal. Please send an e-mail to eagrupp@kulturradet.se and include your e-mail address to your contact person and we will return with registration instructions.

Read more

For more information about e-voicing system Peppol and how you can get your own Peppol-ID: Mandatory e-invoicing in the public sector | Digg

Agreement Swedish Arts Council

Data processing agreement


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