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General conditions

Terms and conditions for those who are awarded a grant from the Swedish Arts Council.

  • The project or activity must be conducted as set out in the application.
  • The Swedish Arts Council must immediately be informed of any material changes to what is stated in the approved, original or revised, application.
  • Such changes may mean that the grant or part of the grant must be repaid.
  • A full account of the project or activity, its costs and how the funding was used is to be submitted to the Swedish Arts Council by the deadline set by the Swedish Arts Council. For this grant, the report must be submitted by the stated date.

The grant recipient must:

  • follow the rules on accounting, auditing and reporting that are applicable to the corporate form and operational scope of the company, foundation, voluntary organisation or individual.
  • at all times comply with the relevant regulations on payment and reporting of tax and social contributions.
  • on request submit any accounts that the Swedish Arts Council wishes to inspect.
  • on request submit an auditor’s certificate or audit memorandum showing how the grant was used.
  • hold a plusgiro or bankgiro account.
  • inform the Swedish Arts Council if details such as name, corporate identity number, address, plusgiro or bankgiro change.

Terms and conditions for grant recipients who are required to submit a revised plan or budget or new documentation to the Swedish Arts Council:

  • The Swedish Arts Council must receive any new documentation by the stated date.
  • Grants will not be paid out if the new documentation arrives after the date stated in the previous point.
  • The documentation must be submitted by a person who has the authority to represent the grant recipient. An authorised person is a signatory or other agent with power of attorney. The fact that the documentation is submitted by an authorised person must be confirmed as directed by the Swedish Arts Council.

Additional terms and conditions apply for certain grants.

Statement of earnings

The Swedish Arts Council will send a statement of earnings to the Swedish Tax Agency concerning grants paid to individuals.


Printed publications or relevant information material such as posters and programmes should make it clear that the Swedish Arts Council has granted funding for the project. The Swedish Arts Council must never be named as a co-organiser.

The Swedish Arts Council logo can be downloaded here
