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Currently it is not possible to submit forms to our online service for grants application. We are working to solve the problem.

  • Coming
  • The dates and the current theme will be announced through an open call by e-mail as soon as we open up for applications.
Literature and translation


The Swedish Literature Exchange office arranges fellowships for people in the book business who wants to work with Swedish literature in translation. The purpose is to increase the possibilities of literature exchange by giving the participants a deeper knowledge of the Swedish book market, the books and the people behind them.

Currently, we organise two fellowships for publishers – one in Gothenburg and one in Stockholm. Each year, there is a different theme, it could be fiction, nonfiction, children’s and Y/A or something else.

The Stockholm Publishing Fellowship does not have a fixed date. This year the program will start on November 5, ending on November 8. We will send out an open call by e-mail as soon as we open up for applications.

From time to time we organise bilateral fellowships with our colleagues in other countries. This year, for example, we organise a fellowship exchange together with the Dutch Foundation for Literature, where a group of Swedish children's and Y/A publishers will visit Amsterdam in May and a group of Dutch children's and Y/A publishers will visit Stockholm in June. 

The Gothenburg Book Fair Fellowship takes place at the same time as the Gothenburg Book Fair, in September. Information about the focus of the year is announced on our website in January, and the application usually opens in mid-February.

Read more about the Gothenburg Book Fair Fellowship

Stockholm Publishing Fellowship 2024

The Stockholm Publishing Fellowship 2024 will focus on children’s and Y/A books, and will be open for 8-10 publishers and sub-agents who would like to get a deeper insight into the landscape of Swedish children’s and Y/A literature.

When: the program will start on November 5, ending on November 8, 2024

Where: Stockholm

What is included: We will arrange for the travel and hotel accomodation for three nights in central Stockholm. The fellowship program will include lectures, meetings and visits that will help increasing the knowledge of Swedish and strengthen the network of Swedish and international publishers.

Contact: Please send an e-mail to swedishliterature@artscouncil.se, and we will add you to our mailing list. We will send out information trough e-mail at the beginning of May.


Susanne Bergström Larsson

Maria Antas

Translation grants, Grants for translators


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