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Photo on the cover, New Swedish books. A portrait of a young woman, three publications on autumn leaves.Photo on the cover, New Swedish books. A portrait of a young woman, three publications on autumn leaves.Photo on the cover, New Swedish books. A portrait of a young woman, three publications on autumn leaves.
13 October 2020

New Swedish Books

Never before has New Swedish Books presented this many books, selected by so many knowledgeable literature enthusiasts, as it does this autumn. As the critics pointed out, in one of the panel discussions recorded in connection with the Gothenburg Book Fair, it has been a fantastic year for Swedish literature!

Swedish Literature Exchange invited a group of critics, translators and a jury to write and talk about their favourite books published 2020. Daring prose, dynamic non-fiction, future classic children’s and young adult literature, novels that shake their readers up – it’s all there!

In addition to the publications you can also hear the critics talk about their selections in our book talks below.

Jury's chioce

What’s brand new this year is the section called ‘Jury’s Choice’. In this section we have included books represented by Swedish literary agencies. The agencies have nominated titles, from which the Swedish Literature Exchange grants committee have made a selection. Here too we find an equally dazzling array of books that all deserve to be published in translation. Read more about all these titles in the New Swedish Books autumn issue! 

Translator’s choice

We have asked fourteen translators to present their favorite books, which they would love to translate into their respective languages. All these translators have during 2020 been awarded a grant for preparing a sample translation and reading material to present to a selection of local publishing houses.

By highlighting these awarded projects, we want to put the spotlight on these enthusiastic and knowledgeable translators, but also on books that might be of interest also in other countries. The texts in this issue are very personal and give insight into the special qualities the translators have found in the books they dream of to translate one day, hopefully very soon!

View and download 

New Swedish Books, Critic's and Jury's choice (e-publication)

New Swedish Books, Critic's and Jury's choice (pdf)

New Swedish Books, Translator's choice (e-publication)

New Swedish Books, Translator's choice (pdf)

Filmed book talks

Critic's choice: Fiction

Critic's choice: Children's and YA books

Critic's choice: Narrative nonfiction
