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Group photo of the laureates 2023.Group photo of the laureates 2023.Group photo of the laureates 2023.
Group photo of the laureates 2023. Photo: Andreas Sundbom.
5 December 2023

The August Prize 2023

Three award winners of the August Prize 2023 and the title Best Swedish Book of the Year were announced on November 27th in the categories Fiction, Non-fiction, and Children's and Youth Literature.



Bokomslag, Jävla karlar.

Title: Jävla karlar

Author: Andrev Walden

Publishing house: Bokförlaget Polaris


Bokomslag, Zorn.

Title: Zorn – ett liv, en tid

Author: Per Svensson

Publishing house: Albert Bonniers Förlag

Children's and Youth Literature

Bokomslag, Vitsippor och pissråttor.

Title: Vitsippor och pissråttor

Author: Oskar Kroon

Illustration: Hanna Klinthage

Publishing house: Rabén & Sjögren

Since 1994 each year a young promising author between the age of 16 to 20 receives the Junior August Prize. This year Emilia Piotrowska was awarded the prize for the novel Och allting dör.


The August Prize is named after the famous Swedish author August Strindberg, and is one of the most celebrated and prestigious literary prizes in Sweden.

Founded by the Swedish Publishers’ Association in 1989, the intention was to institute an annual award for the best Swedish books of the year in order to increase public interest in Swedish contemporary literature.

Read more about the August Prize on the official website
