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Group photo of eight women standing outside. Group photo of eight women standing outside. Group photo of eight women standing outside.

Seven Swedish publishers and seven Dutch publishers took the chance to dig deep into each other’s literary worlds.

Dutch-Swedish Exchange Program

This spring we launched our Swedish-Dutch children’s and Y/A literature exchange program together with our colleagues at the Dutch Foundation for Literature. The Dutch part took place in Amsterdam in the middle of May and the Swedish part in the beginning of June. Seven Swedish publishers and seven Dutch publishers took the chance to dig deep into each other’s literary worlds.

The first week in June, we had the pleasure of hosting the Swedish part of the program, where the Dutch publishers attended lectures about the Swedish book market and trends in books for children and Y/A, visited publishing houses, author studios, bookstores and took part in speed meeting sessions with agents.

The grand finale was the award ceremony for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award at the Stockholm Concert Hall, where this year’s laureate Indigenous Literature Foundation received the world’s largest award for children’s and Y/A literature. The whole project was a truly fantastic experience, to be able to learn about each other’s literary landscapes and conditions.
