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8 December 2021

Laura Cangemi receives the Swedish Academy’s prize 2021

We are very happy to hear the news that Laura Cangemi, translator from Swedish into Italian, has received the Swedish Academy’s prize for introduction of Swedish culture abroad.

For more than 30 years, Laura Cangemi has been an essential factor in introducing Swedish literature to Italian readers. Her long list of translations, more than 150 books, include authors such as Ulf Stark, Maria Gripe, Astrid Lindgren, P O Enquist, Mikael Niemi, Majgull Axelsson, Annika Thor and Henning Mankell. In addition to this, she has been teaching young translators in the art of translation from Swedish in general, and in translating Swedish children’s and young adult books in particular. This has led to a substantial number of qualified translators of Swedish into Italian, and, to more translations of Swedish books. Congratulations – and Thank you, Laura!
