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New Swedish Voices

Are you curious about which new voices in Swedish fiction we’re listening to right now? Then this publication is for you!

In this publication you’ll find an overview article by Lena Kvist, a journalist and critic and a former administrator of Borås Tidning’s Debutant Prize. Kvist picks out key themes that new, up-and-coming Swedish authors are writing about.

We also introduce you to a selection of recently published Swedish novelists, each with a book or two under their belts and already taking steps onto the international stage.

Alongside each introduction you’ll find information about original publishers and representation. On the final pages we’ve provided contact details for the agencies handling rights for the authors presented here.

Read online or order

New Swedish Voices, view as an e-magazine

New Swedish Voices, view and download as a PDF

New Swedish Voices, order for free (website in Swedish)

Cover photo: Ella-Maria Nutti by Sofia Runarsdotter.
