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The cover of Swedish Contemporary Nonfiction in three copies.The cover of Swedish Contemporary Nonfiction in three copies.The cover of Swedish Contemporary Nonfiction in three copies.

Discover a selection of authors who are important voices on the Swedish scene.

Swedish Contemporary Nonfiction

What’s the latest in Swedish nonfiction? Which authors are available to international readers? What are they writing about? In this overview publication, we give you the answers.

If you’re interested in Swedish nonfiction but aren’t sure where to start, or if you’ve already published a Swedish nonfiction writer or two but would like to publish more, then this introduction is for you.

In this publication we present a selection of Swedish nonfiction authors who are important voices on the Swedish scene and who have already found an international readership. We also asked Beata Hansson, the head of the Swedish Writers’ Union nonfiction section, to share some reflections on nonfiction in general and Swedish nonfiction in particular.

Alongside each author presentation, you’ll find information about original publishers and representation. On the final pages we’ve provided contact details for the agencies handling rights for the authors presented here.

The cover of Swedish Contemporary Nonfiction.

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Swedish Contemporary Nonfiction, order for free (website in Swedish)

Cover illustration: Tegel & Hatt, AI and Wilhelm von Wright.
